As the senior director of Global Client Service for CSC数码品牌服务, 劳拉作者 deals with a lot of people. 她和领导者一起工作, 例如, to ensure that they operate from a place of competence and confidence, 他们雇佣了合适的人,与客户建立了良好的关系.

她还与同事和客户打交道,并管理一个员工团队. 但最后, 她的客户服务心态——在多年的零售经验中磨练出来的——对麦克金自己来说是最方便的. Because she prioritized her career ahead of everything else, 她决定,为了成为最好的领导者,她需要获得学士学位(然后是硕士学位和博士学位).



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劳拉作者 (BSB, 2013; MBA, 2016; DBA, 2023)

When she graduated high school in 1988, 麦克金说,她是一名热爱学习的优等学生,计划成为一名教师,或者可能成为一名律师. But after one semester of college, 她回到家,发现离婚的父母都决定搬到别的州去. 此外,即使她获得了部分奖学金,她也负担不起大学学费.

McGinn, ever the self-starter, went to work. “我从零售业起家,她说。, “and was quickly promoted to management, which turned into a 20-year career.”

麦克金是她兄弟姐妹中最大的一个,说话直率,带有轻微的纽约口音. 很容易想象她在一个零售环境中,因为她可以快速思考,让你觉得你是房间里唯一的人.

Her service-oriented mindset saw her climb the ranks in retail, eventually becoming the district sales manager for one organization. 然后,在2006年,她和丈夫搬到特拉华州,离家人更近,也想退后一步. 她的身体出现了一些问题,她想重新评估自己的目标. Not finishing college gnawed at her, so much so that she’d enrolled at 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 in 2003 but stepped away after a year for family reasons.

“It always bothered me that I never finished college,” McGinn recalls. “I felt that I was missing out on being the best leader I could be, and [I] needed the education to help me be more successful.”

Finally, in 2009, her moment arrived.


在特拉华州, McGinn找到了定义她职业生涯的机会:她于2008年加入CSC,担任招聘人员. 在2009年加入数字品牌服务部之前,她很快被提升为团队负责人.

“When I was first asked to lead a team at CSC DBS, I decided that was my moment to start back with [UOPX], 之后不久我就报名了,她说。.


“Without the confidence that I would have help funding my education, 我就不会一意孤行了,麦克金说.

Find out if your employer is one of the more than 1,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜与500个组织合作提供教育福利. 

Balancing work and school: A practical guide

麦克金还有其他支持者. Her husband cheered her on, as did McGinn’s close friends. 麦克金和她的丈夫也有一个大家庭,他们团结在一起,互相支持. McGinn和她的家人创办了一家 非营利组织 in memory of McGinn’s prematurely deceased niece, and she knew they were cheering her on in her educational aspirations.

麦克金也需要它. Having supported herself since she was 18, she was committed to her career. 它是第一位的. She liked UOPX for its flexibility, 但她必须弄清楚如何在工作到晚上11点的情况下适应灵活的时间表.m. some nights and, before the pandemic at least, 旅行ing around the world.

在她 商学学士学位 program, McGinn finally found the approach that worked for her. 她采用了雇主教给她的时间管理框架,并根据自己的需要和承诺进行了定制.

“我了解到,对我来说最有效的方法是将我的工作时间限制在两个清晨,以完成一两个小时的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, and two early mornings for reading,McGinn解释道. 然后,我把周末的大部分时间都花在了研究、作业和写作上. I also used airport downtime between flights to catch up on coursework.”

McGinn基本上确定了哪些时间需要用于工作,并相应地将其划分出来. Then, she blocked out chunks of time for school.



How to balance full-time work and school


这个系统起作用了. 麦克金不仅在2013年完成了她的学士学位,而且还获得了学士学位 Master of 业务 Administration 2016年和她 工商管理博士 in 2023.


学校, 她说, “made me so much more confident in what I was doing because I was like, “是的, 这样做是对的.’ Like the ‘forming, storming, norming’ concept of building a team.“她已经在招聘团队了, figuring out who was good at what and determining goals, but she didn’t know the name for it or the philosophy behind it.

随着她的组织发展到包括四家新的全球公司,她的教育派上了用场. “由于不同的文化和习俗,我们的很多团队都有摩擦,”McGinn说. “我在参加全球领导力推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的同时,也在工作中经历了这一切. 我能够了解不同的文化期望,以及我如何适应我正在做的事情,并能够帮助我们在不同国家的团队之间建立桥梁. 能够把我学到的东西立即应用到我在工作中遇到的问题上真是太棒了.”



McGinn wasn’t the only one to notice either. 

“Laura is a leader of leaders and has multiple teams reporting to her, which in and of itself requires diligence, 注意力和组织,苏茜·哈德森说, a learning leader at CSC who has known McGinn for 16 years. “The leadership team that reports to her all lead high-performing teams, and that is because Laura does the big things and the little things well.”

As further evidence of McGinn’s prowess, 哈德逊引用了麦克金最近获得的卓越组织奖.

“有句老话说,你可以做任何你想做的事,这是完全正确的,”McGinn说. “我从来没有想过我会获得博士学位,但我做到了. 当你把非常大的事情分解成小块的时候, 一切皆有可能.”



伊丽莎白·埃克斯琳自从三年级赢得写作比赛后就一直在讲故事. She's covered design and architecture, 旅行, lifestyle content and a host of other topics for national, 区域, 本地及品牌刊物. 另外, 她曾在万豪国际集团(Marriott International)从事内容开发工作,并为多位作者撰写稿件.

